Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Closest people are those who U loved and hated, had best times and worst times, had conflicts, but forgave, had this awkward silence, but overcame it. And you can allow yourself not to be ideal, allow yourself some weaknesses, cuz they accept and love you they way you are.
But the most difficult part is this phase when person from first description transforms to some phase from second description, and you're afraid...Will you overcome the challenges together or he/she will just leave? Will you be accepted the way you are and will you be able to accept the person with all pluses and minuses?
Monday, June 7, 2010
Unrequited love
So what are you supposed to say to person who says: "I love you", when you don't? Replying is silly, silence is awkward and your friendship is usually ends at that very minute. Sad.
And what to reply back when smb says: "I still love you", and you already don't? You just feel guilty being happy without him/her at that moment.
What are you telling to person who says: "I've been waiting for you", and you didn't think a minute of him/her all this time. And friendship which could happen is over, even have not started.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
It's best news of the day!
Was missing posting my random thoughts and events!
Welcome back!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I have 11 hours to finish millions of things and sleep a little bit, so gotta stop writing and go handle my "power keg".
Thursday, May 6, 2010
10 days to touch my keyboard and feel it again - how it is to create beauty...
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
So don't be sorry for yourself, don't excuse yourself, don't complain.
Just enjoy, be happy, be free, be grateful, move forward.
Monday, May 3, 2010
And two many things will be going on with me in May: selection process next two weeks (my next year depends on that), moving home in 2 weeks (still need to manage moving my enormous amount of clothes to Kazakhstan somehow), chairing at conference in my home LC (super exciting), my Vojta coming to Moscow next week (happy happy happy), work in TMU (lots of work).
Right now I feel happy and physically exhausted, like I was keeping myself on high energy level all year long and now when U have no definite next steps, U feel lost, tired, but.... optimistic:) and need time for yourself, finally some time for yourself:)
And I want to write so many things about my MC term, each day, hour, minute which I've lived here with my team and don't know how to put it in words...
When get home will go to mountains, get fresh air and pack my experience I got, yeap I'll do it.
For now one thing to do: excellent H4TF conference for people I've worked with the whole year!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Do you feel like this sometimes?
I am the place a person falls to when life gets hard.
I am the shoulder, the keeper of secrets, the kindness through their pain.
I am the wisdom, the knowledge, the prophet when everything goes wrong.
I have no idea how it feels to be utterly loved".
Friday, April 23, 2010
- Pasha, why do you talk to Delya EVERY single day?
- Because I want to hear her voice every day...
Isn't it sweet? :)
Voice...not ideas, words...voice
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
- Conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue.
- Do we really listen? Or just waiting for our turn to talk?
- Are we open to express ourselves? Or expecting person to guess about our ideas and feelings?
Think about it, if you look around you'll understand that your friends are those who you can talk to, and you don't surround yourself with people who are not likely to have interesting conversations with you, or random conversations, or funny conversations. I remember this moment in summer: when I felt that my boyfriend doesn't have empathy anymore and doesn't wanna talk to me as before, I realized: "something is wrong", which turned out to be true.
But I'm happy I have people around for fruitful conversations, for random conversations, for gossips conversations, for complaining conversations, for deep conversations, for touching conversations, for "generating ideas" conversations: who listens, who shares, who cares.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Capturing moments
Sunday, April 11, 2010
- You can share them with me...
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Event management, NGO or Social Entrepreneurship? (AIESEC is an option:) )
1,5 months to decide.
What is important for me to decide?
- Ability to be creative - generating new ideas
- People who love what they do, enjoy it and believe in it
- Bringing happiness and changes with what I do
- Being closer to people I love in terms of deciding on destination
Discovered for myself Regina Spektor, love her songs:
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Think positive
"February, 17, 2010.
...The worst part is that I don't know if I wanna be in AI. Don't know. And it's really worrying me. I doubt my motivation a loooot...And it's silly to give it up now when you're in the process already and flew all way to Tunisia for the sake of elections. And inside I hope that will not be elected, isn't it weird? Wanna talk about it, talk talk talk, but everybody says that it's cuz I'm nervous and have these thoughts. And I'm not sure if wanna do it and it's for me, if wanna work with Hugo (who most probably will be elected) and if believe in some certain initiatives which are being driven..."
It's funny coincidence how Ur thoughts come to true.
So "think positive" phrase is not without the meaning:)
Monday, April 5, 2010
Time to say good bye?
And I realized that in a little bit more than a month not only "MC" chapter will be over in my life, but "Russia" chapter. Will leave this country and don't know when I'm back. 1,5 years made me definitely like at home here, but it's time to move. Here is the list of places which I still wanna visit in Moscow in the upcoming month and say good bye to Russia:
- Zoo
- Tsaritsyno
- Concert hall after Chaikovsky name
- Ostankino
- Kolomenskoye
- Ferry walk on Moscow river
Thursday, April 1, 2010
One month
Tomorrow team of MC 2010/11 arrives to Moscow.
Tomorrow I'll put on my white dress.
Tomorrow our flat will be full of people: two teams, CEEDers.
Tomorrow we'll celebrate.
Tomorrow I will say: "One month of our term is left."
One month. 30 days. Moments. AIESEC. Talent Management. Transition. Reports. My team. Russia. Moscow. Decisions. Future.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I was talking to one friend in the evening who wrote: "I'm so glad nothing happened to you...I can't even imagine what would I do if something happened. This shows that most of the time we take life for granted". And that's the thing: we can't imagine what would we do if something happened to our dear ones, but maybe sometimes we should think about it not to miss moments, to say words we want to say, to do things we want to do. But we're always afraid of something, afraid to be alive, to be sincere, emotional, afraid to be hurt or misunderstood.

Monday, March 29, 2010
I remember when there were explosions in Moscow in 2004 I could not imagine what people felt here. And now I'm here, having my friends here and those things are happening. I'm just happy that my MC team is ok, here with me, our CEEDers didn't have any meetings in the morning.
Still shocked and hope people who lost their dear ones will find strength and courage to go on.
Spring "wishes"
Also wanna buy earrings: my "April" earrings, get camomiles and go to Picasso exhibition in Pushkin museum.
Wanna it to be very warm in Moscow to wear my pretty dresses, go to Tsaritsyno and have picnic there.
If anybody wanna join me for my spring "wishes", drop a line :)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Time to grow up?

Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Around the globe
So, some statistics:
Regina-MC UAE
Sasha-Dominican Republic
And MC elections around the globe are still going on, so sure it's not the final list of Russians going abroad. Feel proud to be part of country which is providing leadership to the network.
And feel proud to see goals LCs are putting now for the next year! AIESEC Russia will definitely be in top 3 with these kind of people!
Now packing to leave to Istanbul and eager to see next generation of AIESEC :)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
LC visit
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why do people get in conflicts and disagreements, get angry on each other, no matter if it's work, personal life or friends? I thought today that it's cuz each one of us has certain expectations towards our team or particular person. We expect people around to act according to what's on our mind, often not telling it to them, but only blaming afterwards, if it's not done the way we were expecting. But is it possible not to have expectations towards smth? Or maybe key to find common solution is setting up expectations from the beginning?
Another thing I noticed even in myself is that often we get trapped by expectations of other people toward us. My family is expecting my to finish with AIESEC this year, move to Almaty and start working, my AIESEC friends expect that one more year I'll be around and continue working in our organization. And you try to manage these expectations, but in the end somebody will stay dissapointed with decision you took. And I myself tend to get frustrated when something doesn't match the way I was expecting, even in small things. I like this saying: "If person doesn't love you the way you expect, it does not mean he doesn't love you at all.". So at least for myself I decided to be aware of this and differences with other people, not to get angry if smth not the way you want, but trying to understand other's thoughts and come to common solution.
Monday, March 1, 2010
And I'm super inspired now and motivated as had conversation which stroke me and made me 100% sure of what I wanna do, it showed me why I was not upset at all when was not elected to AI, why I was meant to be on IPM and what will do next year and years after:)
I wanna make people experience what I experienced: world, the best people, challenges, searching and findings.
I wanna make a difference.
I wanna follow my values and bring it to the world.
I wanna AIESEC be organization how I see it: org-n which brings changes.
IPM was amazing, as every conference actually:) AI elections were tough, challenging, enjoyable, as all elections:) But the point is that I had self discovery, which never happened to me, I could face MYSELF and see who I am and what I stand for.
Right now first priority for me is AIESEC Russia, 2 months to finish our term on a high note and leave the best possible for the next team.
And for my passion and dream for the next year is to open AIESEC in new country, to give this opportunity to young people in the country to live this beatiful organization and to give opportunity to another young people to drive it and make contribution. I really mean it, and ready to turn my dream into action. Country which is on my mind now to do it is Uzbekistan. And I'm absolutely serious about it, as never in my life!
Oh, so many emotions, and thoughts, and ideas in my head right now! So will write when at home and have structure in my head:)
And one last thing: I don't know how to express grattitude to all the people who supported me throughout elections and after, I don't just appreciate it, but I'm so lucky to have these kind of people around. Thank you from all my heart!
But sometimes you need to turn to wrong direction in order to find the right one, which actually happened to me:)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Where will be with my wonderful russian delegation, friends who I missed so much, sun and elections, oh....elections. It seems to be so far for me now. Funny that we talk about future or past, but anyway feel only presence, and future or past is like movie which you watch, where you're hero, but it's like external view on yourself.
Ok, don't wanna continue writing my random thoughts:) Will better write from Tunisia which is coming up today.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
NEC in Samara
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
My learning
Thursday, January 28, 2010
New position+randomness
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Don't worry, be happy :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Week end III
Week end II

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Week end