Monday, June 7, 2010

Unrequited love

So what are you supposed to say to person who says: "I love you", when you don't? Replying is silly, silence is awkward and your friendship is usually ends at that very minute. Sad.

And what to reply back when smb says: "I still love you", and you already don't? You just feel guilty being happy without him/her at that moment.

What are you telling to person who says: "I've been waiting for you", and you didn't think a minute of him/her all this time. And friendship which could happen is over, even have not started.

1 comment:

  1. I still don't understand how it is possible what we are feeling now and how we still feel each other on distance. I am having the same experience at these very moments.
    You think we can talk about it ?
