Saturday, October 24, 2009


Self motivation :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Too much

Finally, finally we released MC 10/11 Elections Applications!!! Wohoo!
I'll tell to the next Election Manager that one day is not enough to put it all together :) And he or she gotta plan more time for it :)
Anyway I understood yesterday, that work in MC never ends, there is always smth to do...So now my goal for November to stay focused and learn how to put right priorities. Cuz goal for October: self-discipline eventually worked out.
It will be messy post, just wanted to write something:
I was chairing AIESEC Induction Seminar in Saratov. Oh, gosh, I miss all LC work, when U see people in front of you, not on the other side of your laptop. When U see happy faces, ready to do smth (though they still don't know what), FACI team -who are worrying about each session and detail. Yeap, Saratov was amazing, fell in love with them. And of course unexpected things happened as well...This is MC:) "Super-flexibility" is our motto. I was supposed to return on Tuesday to Moscow and already had tickets. But on Sunday evening got a call from my MC, that MUST be in Moscow on Monday for Russia Day (feedbacks for LCs SONA). I look at schedule and see that there is a train in 20 minutes. There are 2 cash boxes opened with huuuuuuge line, so this variant didn't work out, as people in Russia are not likely to understand in these kind of situations. So I see the next one in 40 minutes, which has more expensive tickets and I don't have money with me :( But it didn't stop us, as my lovely FACI team was there, so we bought ticket for me 5 minutes before the train left and in the morning I was happily in Moscow, rushing to my MC. 3 days with not shower didn't influence my performance, so all work is done and there is more to come. Next week will be totally crazy: Novosibirsk, Conference, LC visits, TMU, FallCo preparation....
After all these adventures and recalling another ones, idea to write a book rose. So...stay tuned. I have a thrilling, strange, amazing co-author, so we'll make it work:)
And for now, apply for MC 10/11 AIESEC in Russia to write your story! It's worth, can tell U on my own experience!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Awesome choir from Belgium, reminded me of times in my musical school.
Is it a sign of getting old?! memories and nostalgy:)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


One person told me not so long ago: “Mmm, you have changed…”.

Kind of philosophical statement, as our world is constantly changing, has been for centuries and will continue to change. The same is for people: we change physically, emotionally, intellectually every day, sometimes not noticing it. If change is “permanent”, I ask myself a question: Why do people, organizations resist to change, try to stop it and put limits?

Even if to look at people in AIESEC, who are supposed to be open to changes and tell on every corner that they’re seeking for challenges and new stuff, when it comes to an action, some still find millions of excuses, barriers, logical explanations not to step up for change. It’s tough for people to accept change, cuz it breaks our routine, stability, takes away the “known”. They resist, but sooner or later change occurs, and people find out that they just wasted energy trying to stop smth and missed opportunities behind. Just imagine what would be with our world if there was no change? No planes, no internet, no technologies, no art, no us as we are now… Imagine what would happen to AIESEC if there was no change?

I personally believe that in every change there is a positive effect, even sometimes we don’t see it in a sudden.

So if you could change one thing in your life today what it would be?

What are you doing to make it happen?

Impact IC made on me are these thoughts about changes in our organization and change which AIESEC is able to make and I can bring personally. I'm still figuring out what are the actions I gotta take for that, but for sure my attitude to certain things and the way I'm doing it have changed since I got back to Moscow.

So be positive and embrace change, which is coming up on your way!